Using Foreground Subjects to Landscape Photography
Unlike any typical blog posts regarding landscape photography, this post do not cover the basics of landscape photography. This post suggests a pointer which you can consider in your check list while doing landscape photography to improve the overall visual appeal of the image.
As landscape photography typically uses a wide angle at a higher aperture setting, you tend to get a flat distant image. In many of the cases, the landscape photograph that is taken is far less realistic and appealing than being witnessed through the real eyes.
How if we can improve the appeal of your landscape photography by a small little consideration while you compose your shot?
The tip is simple. Include a foreground subject in your landscape photograph. The reason why many landscape photographs look dull is due to the fact the images are flat. Try bringing in a foreground subject such as a tree, a big rock or a pavement. Since you would be using a higher aperture, you will have a deep DOF.
Couple of examples more...
Labels: garden, Landscape, natural light, tips
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